It is it really so unexpected to see this runaway locomotive
lurching toward danger; derailing after a few short weeks
after trundling along the treacherous tracks humans have laid
I would like to be more affirmative; answer you unequivocally
but I fear signal failure.
All the railway can offer you is inconstancy and eye witness reports
of the latest smash--veering cliffward
So these reservations are articulated because
I just cannot see a man and a woman ever coupled in tandem
at the very least you will need patience and fortitude
Isn't it better for you to avoid trains altogether
(It is I who likes them!)
if all I forsee is wreckage and twisted steel strewn trackside
[all my trains collide]
if you careen past this point--all the warning bells and barricades
forgive me if I disavow your imminent derailment
so I implore you:
take the bus!
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